Monday, August 18, 2008

Enough Complaining!

I'm finished with the whining. And I've posted new jewelry over at the bead drawer. A little at a time never hurt anyone. I have to remind myself I cannot do it all rightnow, no way no how!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

WHAT have I done!?

I was all for this jewelry selling bit. Excited actually. Now I'm starting to get into the nitty gritty of it and I have a headache all the time!

I loved accounting in High School. I did bookkeeping for Rite Aid drugstore while I was in high school. They had a lead bookkeeper that was teaching me the ropes. I loved it.

I love organizing and keeping track of things, I have spreadsheets for beads I've bought. I'm so behind though it is making my head spin. I have the stress of back logging the beads I've bought before business, hurrying to do the ones I've bought recently (under the name of the business) and I told myself I have to do all this BEFORE I make anymore jewelry.

I seriously need to post some pictures and list on Etsy. I think that's what I'm supposed to do. I thought about selling off my blog but I think more people would feel comfortable buying from me on Etsy. With an actual shopping cart and shipping included. Aye Caramba!

I'm still certain that I want to do this but I worry that I'm trying to do to much all at once. Also as soon as I sit down to the computer to do ANY sort of 'work' the kids are at eachothers throats and my patience goes out the window!

I am toying with the idea of keeping bead inventory in a notebook that can travel with me, after I get all the computer invoice information typed in. I don't know what to do. Wasn't this supposed to be fun? Will it ever be fun again? Or is that business? Work work work!

Separately and without repercussion all the aspects of this business are fun, but now it has a lot more meaning. The IRS would have to see receipts, books well kept and inventory managed to agree that it is a hobby turned business.

I need a business advisor, or an accountant or a beader who successfully turned their hobby into a business, or All of the above to help me get direction before I'm so off the path I feel like abandoning the whole idea!

I'm Finished!

I cannot believe that I read 4 books, twilight through breaking dawn in less than 2 weeks. I LOVED it! I love the way it ended. Reading the reviews for 1 star leave me thinking "huh?". I'll probably read it again and again. Only slower.

I had a few questions that didn't really get answered, some I'm okay with not knowing. But seriously how did they get around that 1 week a month thing. There was never any mention that Edward avoided her especially during any time. Maybe it wasn't a necessary detail, but he's a vampire, it presents a problem. So I'm left wondering.

It's funny, I've got my Dad reading them. To be able to talk about something ,like this, with him is a new thing. It was always my younger sister that could relate to him on movies and books, not me. It is so hard to talk to him without giving stuff away. I kind of feel like I just read one huge book broken down into easier to carry chapters, it's hard to separate what I learned in each book.

Great story. Great Author. I'm excited to check out the Host.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Check Check Check

I can check things off my list. Hurray!

*finished eclipse (started breaking dawn)
*business licensing is taken care of
*bought some more beads (this adds to my list, at least 4 more bracelets on the brain and earrings galore and pictures to take)
*submit picture ideas for bead trends

New thoughts
*possibly look at boutiques and hotels for selling options for jewelry (am I really considering this? Oy!)
*find a jewelry display apparatus
*fold 2 loads of laundry, post haste

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fffffjlkejilmmmmpppp- Brain Dump

I've heard of Overwhelmed and Underwhelmed but like is there such thing as being just whelmed?

I have a gazillion things on my mind. Lots of things to say but as soon as I sit down everything just turns to mush. It's list time.

*Jewelry Lots of it, I took 289 pictures this weekend. I need to post them.
*I got a request for some jewelry submissions for the jan/09 issue. seriously. A request?!
*I have to know how Eclipse ends. Today. But then how will I resist Breaking Dawn?
* There is a load of laundry spilling out of the boys closet as I type. Start it. Fold the one in the clean basket.
*Lester is out of salsa! he NEEDS me to make more. His life may depend on it.
*Hoses. I have to keep moving the hoses around. We have irrigation water today.
*Giveaway prizes must be mailed. I have one last one sitting on the desk.
*I have ideas for 6 or so bracelets rattling around my head. I wish I were a better pencil artist so I could 'save' the idea for later, before I lose it.
*baby clothes. I missed the jbf sale AGAIN. I am not keeping them around for the next one. Gymboree stuff can go on Ebay the rest needs a home.
*speaking of Ebay I have some Stila make up that I want to list, great brushes. AWESOME brushes and perfect gorgeous colors. I have too many of each.
*business cards. I have to find a place to print them.
*jewelry packaging, I have my idea now to find a supplier.
*business licensing needs to be finished. This friday off thing is throwing a wrench in my plans. I need to place an order but I need my retail/sales tax ID to do it.
*acquire an accounting ledger book. I'm doing this right. But maybe I don't want to know that I spend more on supplies than I make on sales. I certainly cringe at the thought of recording all my bead spending habits. And what about all the stuff I already have? How do I expense it out without receipts and and and and that reminds me that I haven't recorded purchases and bead prices in my database (that I started when it was only a hobby, OCD) in 3 months.
*Fudge. I need to make some as a thank you gift. But which flavor? Should be easy enough, but it totally isn't.
*PTA stuff. I'm going to be in charge of teacher appreciation this year. There is a surprise, I could be in charge of the pre school luncheon. But I don't know and I haven't been contacted and I don't know who to call.
*Scouts. I'm totally on my own now. I keep telling myself we should take summer 'off' and wait until we're back in the swing of things. But summer is also perfect for doing outside stuff in the middle of the day.

Still Reading

And I seriously can't stop. Nor do I want to.

I finished this yesterday. Not bad considering I bought it Friday.
And I'm more than half way through this (I'm on p. 428). I bought it Saturday at Costco.

All things considered, I'm really glad I am a fast reader with speedy comprehension skills and that I waited until the last book was out to start reading the saga. I probably would have gone nuts waiting so long to read the next book.

There are things about the story that puzzle me but I'll wait until I'm finished to see if they are resolved.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I've been reading

And avoiding laundry to do so. Okay not completely. But enough that I now have a large pile to fold and another large pile to wash.
And this is the book I couldn't put down.

I loved it. And that is saying a lot, because as my sister can attest I'm not one for 'science fiction'. I'm so behind. I usually am, especially on books. I wait until everyone I know says they are good before I crack the spine (figuratively speaking, that term hurts Megan's ears) I am on page 50 of the first Harry Potter book. Indefinitely.

I have 3 more of the twilight books to read before I see my cousins next month. They'll be talking about nothing else and I don't want them to ruin the surprise.