Thursday, August 7, 2008

I've been reading

And avoiding laundry to do so. Okay not completely. But enough that I now have a large pile to fold and another large pile to wash.
And this is the book I couldn't put down.

I loved it. And that is saying a lot, because as my sister can attest I'm not one for 'science fiction'. I'm so behind. I usually am, especially on books. I wait until everyone I know says they are good before I crack the spine (figuratively speaking, that term hurts Megan's ears) I am on page 50 of the first Harry Potter book. Indefinitely.

I have 3 more of the twilight books to read before I see my cousins next month. They'll be talking about nothing else and I don't want them to ruin the surprise.


Linda said...

I am behind too. I have just barely asked my friend if I could borrow her Twilight book. I have heard great things about it!

Megan said...

Oh you made me laugh so hard!

I must admit, I've never heard of this author but today both you and Melissa have posted about her with rave reviews. I might have to check it out!

di said...

i have the 4th sitting next to my bed. i will be starting it as soon as i tackle my mountain of laundry! fun to find your blog!!!!!!

TaLaisa said...

Megan, if you can talk Dad out of it you can borrow my copy. He's only on pg 12, I don't think he's that into it.