Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Half Made

Do you ever have those days where everything you do gets half done?

I'm in the middle of one.

I could walk into any room in the house and find something that was left half done. I have great intentions when I start, and then someone starts fighting/making a mess/wants to play outside/is hungry/needs me to hold a piece of the bathroom sink/take the kids out of the bathroom/go to Lowes (AGAIN)/make a phone call, and on and on. So the project is left. And when I finish referring a fight/cleaning a mess/putting on shoes/going outside/feeding/assembling/entertaining/shopping/talking/etc. etc. I am in a different room and I see a project that needs finishing. One that I started hours ago. So I start the attempt to finish and the whole cycle starts over again.

I feel so scattered in my thinking, half hearted on my attempts (because who knows when I'll finish) and almost near the point of wondering 'why bother?' . I need a boost of energy and a houseful of secret elves to help me plow through the clutter and laundry. Instead I'm stuck with a de-caff root beer and a houseful of slightly taller less neat disaster creating children. Oops gotta run, there has been a toy-nado sighting, toy-nado Eli just passed through their bedroom in a hurry.


Megan said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. I feel that way frequently. Strange as it may sound sometimes leaving all projects and doing something 'just for me' helps. Sometimes it just makes it worse though. (Boy, I'm helpful.)

Linda said...

I agree with Megan. Take a little time for yourself and you will likely be renewed enough to finish the other half of the projects you started.

Love you!