Thursday, July 10, 2008

We're officially Oldy-Weds

Yep. Lester and I have been married 9 years, today. We celebrated by going to Ikea to get one last thing for the bathroom re-do we've been doing all week. And then we had dinner at a great place ,with a view, (thanks Gabe) The Ikea Cafe. And then after hiking through the miles of store walk path at a neck break speed (Lester almost won the speed walking contest), we had ice cream at Coldstone. I had Lemon Sorbet and will probably dream of it on sugar-free days. I gotta get a recipe for making my own in the vitamix! Just in case they don't have any on my 'cheat days'.

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I loved that day. Can't believe it was 9 years ago!