Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I tripped across memory lane

I found something from my past on etsy. Strawberry Shortcake and her friends.
That seller has quite a few of them listed.
They were the first toy I remember. I am pretty sure I had all the dolls too. My parents used them as incentive for many things. I do believe I was potty trained with a whole slew of SS and friends as the reward.

I loved dressing them up, organizing and rearranging them with their animal friends and occasionally Sour Grapes and her boyfriend Purple Pieman would also wreck havoc on the barbies as well.


Linda said...

Ah, yes. I remember these toys fondly too. I remember I has a Strawberry Shortcake and she was in a little box and her hair smelled like Strawberries. I thought that was the greatest. I remember just sitting and smelling her hair ALL THE TIME!

Thanks for the link.

TaLaisa said...

They did smell so sweet.

ADDollhouse said...

That's so funny... just looking at the PICTURES, I could almost smell them! Talk about a sense memory!

Even though I loved those Strawberry Shortcakes, remember how whenever we were playing the "little girls" had to play with them because we "big girls" played with the Barbies?