Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Etsy Love

Check this out.
I regularly cruise etsy for fun jewelry ideas and sewing projects. Today I found this and it made me laugh.

I was a buxom teenager, wearing my first real underwire bra in 5th grade. And I can so totally appreciate that button. Wish I'd had one of those and the guts to go with it back then. Because pregnancy and nursing have changed that part of me so much that if I were to wear it now it'd receive snickers instead of respect.


Jocelyn said...

That's hilarious! I'd never be able to wear that one with any sense of reality-- but you know that, right?

TaLaisa said...

Aww come on. I bet you could pull it off when your milk comes in after the baby is born.

Jocelyn said...

Really, not even then. At that moment I only look like any other normal female.